Saturday, January 16, 2010


The unsung song ………….

He wakes up at 4.00 in the morning
Rubbing his drowsy eyes and yawning
Before you let the sun rays come in
He wakes up and his day begins

He sweeps the floor, opens the door
Burns the fire against his desire
With dreams in eyes of being higher

Sometimes He thinks of his sick mother
His drunk father, and his young sister
The mountain in his village
The monsoon spring flowing with rage
His dreams to study further
To be a doctor to treat his mother

Oh!!he is getting late to make tea
This is how he is a part of the city
Looking at the officers duty

Spending nights at the wretched stall
No matter whether it’s fog or rainfall
In the busy city with neon lights
He struggles, he fights

He eats what he gets
He dreams and then forgets
Looks at the cars rumbling past
Blue collared men within that

The malls touching the sky
Sometimes asks him why??
Was he born??
To fight all alone……..

And me being helpless writes poem
To bury his ambition for my fame

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