Wednesday, January 13, 2010

walking away from lfe

On a day I shall walk away
With silence with patience nothing to say
I shall run to the stream
Listening to the birds scream

Sitting under the shining sun
Far from the crowds all alone
No bustling horn, no streetlights
Breeze blows, the moon shines all nights

Where no one is busy, no daily routine
Where I can find the stars shine
Lost and lonely beneath a tree
The waterfalls in distant hills charms thee

In a land of happiness devoid of sorrow
No blood sheds no war tomorrow
Nothing to lose and no regrets
You don’t weep for that you don’t get

The clouds drench your melancholy
Shower sooths if you are lonely
You sleep with the fog dew and mist
The fountain spring washes your feet

So on a silent night I will walk away
Far from you on my way………………

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